The Diet Doctor – LCHF for Beginners

I think Dr Andreas Eenfeldt is pretty damn awesome!  Apart from the fact that he has a fabulous accent he has a brilliant mind and a generous spirit. I first found him by accident through those ‘suggested videos’ youtube tends to do and I’ve been a fan ever since!  Honestly, it wasn’t JUST the accent –…

Pad Thai

I love pad thai!  I’m not sure how I forgot about the awesomeness of pad thai! and how easy it is to take the starch and sugar out of asian recipes!  Veronica reminded me by posting a picture of her delicious meal and I promised to find a recipe for this catalog! A google search…

Zucchini Hommus

Lynn has concocted a fabulous hommus from zucchini!  Yum one zucchini 2 T tahini lemon zest and juice roasted garlic cloves 1t cumin salt and pepper to taste (and any other spices you might like) Wizz in the food processor until smooth and serve with fresh crunchy veggies to dip – in particular snap peas!…

Pumpkin Pie

Kyra (aka Popcorn) makes a fabulous pumpkin pie. Crustless, sweetened with xylitol and made with whole fat coconut milk instead of canned condensed milk. 3 scoops whey protein powder to 1/2 the pie filling for one pie, the remaining filling  can be frozen for later use in smoothies. Makes 2 pies 1 cup xylitol 1…


Paleo Pizza My good friend Wednesday made pizza and wanted to share it… She says: “For an eggplant pizza crust. We topped it with tomato sauce, bell pepper, onion, and turkey sausage that we precooked. Plus organic mozzarella. My husband’s half is the completely cheese covered side, lol. He did admit he put too much…

Easy Lunches

There is no real need to over complicate your food when eating healthfully.  Simple lunches (or any meal) are just as delicious!  Annelynn’s plate of goodness makes me hungry just looking at it! In that blue bowl is about 2 cups or so lettuces, some shredded carrots, sliced onion, small amount sliced cabbage, 5 sugar snap peas,…